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Google公司(英语:Google Inc.,NASDAQ:GOOG、FWB:GGQ1,官方中文译名为谷歌 ),是一家美国的跨国科技企业,致力于互联网搜索、云计算、广告技术等领域,开发并提供大量基于互联网的产品与服务, 其主要利润来自于AdWords等广告服务。Google由当时在斯坦福大学攻读理学博士的拉里·佩奇和谢尔盖·布卢姆共同创建,因此两人也被称为“Google Guys”。1998年9月4日,Google以私营公司的形式创立,设计并管理一个互联网搜索引擎“Google搜索”;Google网站则于1999年下半年启用。2004年8月19日,Google公司的股票在纳斯达克上市,后来被称为“三驾马车”的公司两位共同创始人与出任首席执行官的埃里克·施密特在当时承诺:共同在Google工作至少二十年,即至2024年止。创始之初,Google官方的公司使命为“集成全球范围的信息,使人人皆可访问并从中受益”(To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful);而非正式的口号则为“不作恶”(Don't be evil),由工程师阿米特·帕特尔(Amit Patel)所创, 并得到了保罗·布赫海特的支持。 Google公司的总部称为“Googleplex”,位于美国加州圣克拉拉县的芒廷维尤。2011年4月,佩奇接替施密特担任首席执行官.

据估计,Google在全世界的数据中心内运营着超过百万台的服务器, 每天处理数以亿计的搜索请求 和约二十四PB用户生成的数据。Google自创立开始的快速成长同时也带动了一系列的产品研发、并购事项与合作关系,而不仅仅是公司核心的网络搜索业务。Google公司提供丰富的线上软件服务,如云硬盘、Gmail电子邮件,包括Orkut、Google Buzz以及Google+在内的社交网络服务。Google的产品同时也以应用软件的形式进入用户桌面,例如Google Chrome网页浏览器、Picasa图片整理与编辑软件、Google Talk即时通讯工具等。另外,Google还进行了移动设备的Android操作系统以及上网本的Google Chrome OS操作系统的开发。

网站资讯分析网Alexa数据显示,Google的主域名google.com为全世界访问量最高的站点,除此之外,Google搜索在其他国家或地区域名下的多个站点(、、等等),及旗下的YouTube、Blogger、Orkut等的访问量都在前一百名之内。2007年至2010年,Google连续四年蝉联 BrandZ 全球品牌价值榜首, 但在2011年被苹果公司超越 。在市场竞争中处于领先地位的现实也使Google公司在用户隐私保护、版权、网络审查等方面存在一些争议。

1999年3月,Google公司将的办公场所搬至加州的帕罗奥多,这里是众多知名的硅谷初创公司所在的地方。 翌年,Google开始以出售搜索关键词的广告, 但这一做法与佩奇和布卢姆以广告赞助搜索的意愿相违背。为了保持页面简洁的设计,提高搜索速度,广告只会以基于文本的形式出现。关键词的出售结合点击次数和价格的竞标,竞标起价为每次点击5美分。这种出售广告关键词的模式最早来源于——一个由比尔·葛罗斯的Idealab企业孵化器派生的网站。之后Google受到了这家改名为Overture Services的公司对于次广告出售专利技术侵权的指控。2003年,Overture Services被雅虎收购,并被改名为雅虎搜索营销。最终,雅虎与Google在庭外达成和解:Google用普通股股份换取此专利的永久授权。

2001年,Google获得了PageRank的专利权, 这项专利被正式颁与斯坦福大学,劳伦斯·佩奇(即拉里·佩奇)为专利发明人。2003年,在发展了两处办公地点以后,公司又向硅谷图形公司租赁了位于芒廷维尤目前所在的综合办公楼。 这处办公地点被戏称为‘Googleplex’,数学大数古戈尔普勒克斯(googolplex)单词的变体。三年后,Google以三亿一千九百万的价额向硅谷图形公司买下了这里的产权。 在这段时间内,google这个单词逐渐进入各类语言当中,也使得‘google’作为动词被收入至梅里亚姆-韦珀斯特词典和牛津英语词典内,释义为“使用Google搜索引擎在互联网上获取信息”(to use the Google search engine to obtain information on the Internet)。

2011年5月,Google的月独立访客数量首次超过十亿,与一年前同期的9亿3100万相比增长8.4%。 Google也是首个取得该数据里程碑的网站。

2011年6月,谷歌宣布关闭Google Health、Google PowerMeter Services和Google Labs等业务,9月2日,Google又关闭网上新闻阅读器Fast Flip、社交搜索服务Aardvark、评论工具Sidewiki和另外多种服务和产品。


Google's headquarters in Mountain View, California is referred to as "the Googleplex", a play on words on the number googolplex and the headquarters itself being a complex of buildings. The lobby is decorated with a piano, lava lamps, old server clusters, and a projection of search queries on the wall. The hallways are full of exercise balls and bicycles. Each employee has access to the corporate recreation center. Recreational amenities are scattered throughout the campus and include a workout room with weights and rowing machines, locker rooms, washers and dryers, a massage room, assorted video games, table football, a baby grand piano, a billiard table, and ping pong. In addition to the rec room, there are snack rooms stocked with various foods and drinks, with special emphasis placed on nutrition. Free food is available to employees 24/7, with paid vending machines prorated favoring nutritional value.
In 2006, Google moved into 311,000 square feet (28,900 m2) of office space in New York City, at 111 Eighth Avenue in Manhattan. The office was specially designed and built for Google, and it now houses its largest advertising sales team, which has been instrumental in securing large partnerships. In 2003, they added an engineering staff in New York City, which has been responsible for more than 100 engineering projects, including Google Maps, Google Spreadsheets, and others. It is estimated that the building costs Google $10 million per year to rent and is similar in design and functionality to its Mountain View headquarters, including table football, air hockey, and ping-pong tables, as well as a video game area. In November 2006, Google opened offices on Carnegie Mellon's campus in Pittsburgh, focusing on shopping related advertisement coding and smartphone applications and programs. By late 2006, Google also established a new headquarters for its AdWords division in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Furthermore, Google has offices all around the world, and in the United States, including Ann Arbor, Michigan; Atlanta, Georgia; Austin, Texas; Boulder, Colorado; Cambridge, Massachusetts; New York City; San Francisco, California; Seattle, Washington; Reston, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.

Google's NYC office building houses its largest advertising sales team.

Google is taking steps to ensure that its operations are environmentally sound. In October 2006, the company announced plans to install thousands of solar panels to provide up to 1.6 megawatts of electricity, enough to satisfy approximately 30% of the campus' energy needs. The system will be the largest solar power system constructed on a U.S. corporate campus and one of the largest on any corporate site in the world. In addition, Google announced in 2009 that it was deploying herds of goats to keep grassland around the Googleplex short, helping to prevent the threat from seasonal bush fires while also reducing the carbon footprint of mowing the extensive grounds. The idea of trimming lawns using goats originated from R. J. Widlar, an engineer who worked for National Semiconductor. Despite this, Google has faced accusations in Harper's Magazine of being an "energy glutton", and was accused of employing its "Don't be evil" motto as well as its very public energy-saving campaigns as an attempt to cover up or make up for the massive amounts of energy its servers actually require.


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